介词后面跟什么 介词后面跟什么词

介词后面跟什么 介词后面跟什么词



1.You may depend upon it that they will support your plan. 你可以放心,他们会支持你的计划。

2.He must face up to it that he is no longer young. 他需要面对一个现实,那就是他已经不再年轻。


I have been very surprised that New York has been so safe. 我对纽约如此安全感到非常惊讶。(在surprised后跟的at被省略)

2.She was aware that there were still many problems. 她意识到问题依然存在。(在aware后跟的of被省略)


1、besides that:此外;除了

She knew nothing besides that he was still alive. 她唯一知道的就是他还活着,除此之外她什么也不知。

2、beyond that:除去,除……外

Have you heard anything beyond that he is ill? 除了他生病之外,你还听到其他消息了吗?

3、but that:要不是;如非,除…外

Nothing would satisfy that child but that I place her on my lap. 那孩子什么都不愿要,除了让我把她抱在怀里。

Nothing would please him but that you bring him a gift. 除了你给他带礼物,什么都不会使他开心。

4、except that:除去…之外;只可惜;除去,除掉

This restaurant has nothing to recommend except that it's cheap. 这家餐馆除了便宜没有其他优点。

It's a very satisfactory coat,except that it doesn't fit me. 这件外套很令人满意,只可惜不合身。

5、save that:(不常用)除了……以外

I know nothing about him save that he comes from Sichuan. 我对他的了解仅限于他来自四川。

There was not a sound save that from time to time a bird called. 除了偶尔有几声鸟鸣,周围一片寂静。

6、in that:[书面语]既然,因为;在……方面

One can make great achievement in that he does but not he knows. 伟大的成就来自于实践而非仅仅的知识。

Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak. 人与动物的区别在于人类能够思考和言语。

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